Saturday, October 4, 2014


Whatup world,

         Been a crazy transition into spring and summer and now heres the fall! Been caught up in all the madness and forgetting about sharing dank tunes for you people who may be intrested. Going to throw a few albums up for lost time and for good sake.

          Enjoy a few favorite picks of mine coming this month and lets start here first off with the early prog/jazz fusion French cult by the name of Magma, led by drummer/vocalist Christian Vander. These guys were an epic mix of overall jazz rock with a darkly influence of classical and opera ( not my thing usually either but don't be scared off yet ) and spiced it up by writing their own other worldly language called "Kobaian" from the planet of Kobaia. Vander described his music as "zhuel," meaning "celestial" in this language. This name ended up becoming their defining genre name and influenced a few other groups follow to continue "zhuel" tradition!)

         This was a huge group of 7+ dudes who didn't fuck around at all during the day, all trained musicians who were dedicated to making amazing progressive melodies and super heavy sounds a bit before its time! Cant say enough great things about these dudes, if I caught a show of these cats in the 70s it'd be beyond ridiculous. Sucks to say most dads went out and saw bands like Kiss and Ted Nugent, which is cool.....but this is pretty far out, man.


"Sowiloi." Live in Bremen 1974

Top 3 Recommended Albums by Magma

-Udu Wudu

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